Everywhere we go technology is being used. Technology affects our daily lives in everything that we do, it saves time, opens a gate to new experiences, and makes traveling to halfway around the world easy.
Technology reduces the time it takes to perform everyday tasks. Daily things such as doing your FLVS homework or doing the dishes have been reduced from hours to twenty minutes with the invention of the computer and automatic dishwasher. New technologies have even reduced the time it takes to read books when you can download the audio book off of any website including Facebook. At your jobs technology has even eliminated many of the hand labors of assembling parts and creating a very large quantity of product the very same way a human could do but, 10 times as fast.
Computer technology has changed our lives for the better. Without it, we'd still be living in pre-historic times. Technology is going to continue to evolve and reinvent itself everyday.
We are constantly connected with our iPhones, laptops, Facebook and Twitter. We all can’t imagine living life without our cell phones and social media, but a few short decades ago the thought of being connected all the time was looked down upon and who really cared about what I was up to last weekend? With the constant reformation of technology, we are constantly adapting and adopting these, once crazy, inventions into our every day lives.
Computers, as we all know, can perform complex mathematical operations and process large amounts of information. Thanks to their computational powers, long and complex calculations can be performed within seconds. They can be programmed to execute complex instruction sequences through the use of programming languages. That reminds me of the software industry, one of the most progressive industries of the world. Computer technology gave rise to this industry and changed the face of the world.
Perhaps, one of the major advantages of the computer technology is its ability to provide us with Internet access. Computers possess networking capabilities, which makes it possible to connect multiple computers and achieve an exchange of information between them. Network communication is possible, thanks to the networking features offered by the computer technology.